The Big One

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, birthdays are a big deal.  Being that this was Max’s first one I wanted it to be extra super special so he can look back at pictures (because there are TONS) and say Wow, I had really great birthdays!  And I will say Yes Maxey, you did!
For his actual one year old birthday we did a few little things.  First off, I made him his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  And of course it was love at first taste.Obviously he loved it.  Well he loved the peanut butter the most seeing as how he ate the pieces with peanut butter on them first.

After lunch we went downtown to Saint Cupcake for a birthday treat.I picked out a Fat Elvis cupcake for Max, in the tiny size.  And Saint Cupcake has birthday candles there, which was perfect.  So Rob, Katrina and myself sang Max his very first happy birthday.  And holy cupcakes did he love it.  Like any cupcake connoisseur he ate the frosting first.  Only a year old and already a pro.  There were milk breaks in between bites, and in the end there was hardly a crumb left.  All that remained was a chocolate frosting beard for me to wipe clean.  It was simply one of the greatest moments, watching him eat that cupcake.  His fat fingers shoving frosting and cake in his puffy cheeks followed by giggles of sheer glee.  It was perfect.

If you’re wondering if he was hyper active or had trouble sleeping, the answer is no.  Well he did sleep like total shit, but that’s the norm these days so I don’t blame the cupcake.  In fact he napped not long after having it.

After that nap he gave his new present a spin.He was pretty unsure about it.  He had to inspect it before getting in.  I get it.  He just wanted to make sure it wasn’t rigged with any boobie traps.  Once he was in and Rob took him for a few laps through the living room and kitchen he was loving it.

It was a simple, and perfect birthday.  I had a good day, and more importantly Max had a good day.

It was easier for me than I had anticipated.  I didn’t even cry.  I thought a lot about the day he was born, and what was going on at what time.  And at 2:47 pm I announced that Max was officially one year old.

I’ll have another post for the party later in the week!

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