Peaches Shares Photos: 6/15

This week was full things, mostly good, but there was that whole finding out Max is allergic to nuts thing.  We had a nice visit with my Aunt and Uncle early in the week, a trip to the zoo, and Mother Nature has been providing us with a little tease of some summer weather.The poor little Monster Boy is sick with a nasty snot nose and a fever.  Cross your fingers he’s feeling better real soon so he can enjoy the sunshine before we lose it!

2011: Favorite Photos

I was thinking about all the many things that have happened this year and all the photos I took of those many things, and I thought that I’d share my favorite photos.  But then I thought that that would be way too many photos.  So I decided to pick a favorite  photo from each month that I haven’t posted before.  Still very difficult to do, but I did it.  So, without any further ado, I give you my 2011 Favorite Photo Roundup!

January: The last bare belly shot of me without stretch marks.  Sometimes I miss being pregnant, I always miss not having stretch marks.

February: I know you’ve seen this, and I know it’s not a photo, but I’m making an exception cause this is just one of the single greatest things ever.  And I didn’t take many photos in February.March: This was the first time I held Max.  He was brought to our room around 10:00 the morning after he was born.  I vaguely remember this moment.

April: I took this after a bath.  His hair still gets all curly after a bath.  I miss the way his fat cheeks would rest on his chest.

May: Katrina took this one.  These were the days of hanging out by the baby gym in Max’s room while he watched the lights go round and round on the mobile.  I have every song from that thing memorized.

June: Naked baby.  I wanted to be able to remember his naked little baby body like this.  Those little wrinkles on his back, the dark newborn hair with a few curls, and the stillness of a new baby.

July: This was taken on Del Ray beach (I think) when we visited Rob’s Aunt Christi and her husband Greg for the day.  It was Max’s first trip to the coast.

August: My Aunt Karen and cousin Brandon were in town to meet Max. This was taken at Arch Cape, on our first overnight trip with the kiddo, his second trip to the coast.  I’m usually behind the camera, but Rob is a good husband/photographer and got this shot of us.  I love it.  Mostly because I’m smizing.

September: I took this during our friend’s, Dave and Jeanine, wedding.  I like the contrast in color with the grass and mine and Max’s shoes.  Going through all these photos I realized I have, unknowingly, taken a small series of photos like this with myself and Max.

October: This picture makes me melt.  His little Kewpie doll swirl, the goofy little grin, and puffy cheeks.

November: I love the expression on his face, his giant blue eyes.  And the drool dribbling down his chin.

December: Bonding time.  Rob and Max’s new favorite game.

While this has surely been an incredibly challenging year (who knew having a baby would be so difficult?) it’s also been just the best ever.  I can only hope that 2012 will be as good for us and for you as well.  Happy New Year, everyone!  Celebrate responsibly, and please don’t drink and drive because nobody likes an asshole.