Peaches Shares Photos: 6/15

This week was full things, mostly good, but there was that whole finding out Max is allergic to nuts thing.  We had a nice visit with my Aunt and Uncle early in the week, a trip to the zoo, and Mother Nature has been providing us with a little tease of some summer weather.The poor little Monster Boy is sick with a nasty snot nose and a fever.  Cross your fingers he’s feeling better real soon so he can enjoy the sunshine before we lose it!

Introducing, Peaches!

No, not that Peaches.  This is my new fancy pants phone, Peaches.  Peaches Valentine to be exact.

Peaches Valentine is the name of a character in The Goon comic book series.  I don’t read comics but Rob does and one day I picked up an issue of The Goon he had lying around and saw the character Peaches Valentine and thought What a sweet name for such a hideous character.  And then I got an iPhone4 and named it after him.

Now, I’m trying not to overload my instagram (My username is rederin) account with every single photo I take, but sometimes I can’t help myself.  The camera on the iPhone is worlds better than the one on the iPod, and it’s always at my fingertips!  I can take photos wherever I go now without lugging around my camera!  I swear this isn’t an advertisement!  It’s just the greatest, I tell ya.

Maybe every once in a while Peaches Valentine will share some photos here with you. Do you name your electronics?  What do you name them?